Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting Established

Wow, I just realized how long it's been since I posted here last. Sorry about that. Basic breakdown of the last few weeks:

In the last few weeks I guess I have been learning about my professors' expectations. My grades are not where I'd like them to be, but that will get better now that I know what they are looking for and have figured out what I need to do to make that happen. So far my favorite classes are still psychology and contemporary issues because of the course content and the instructor's teaching styles that require you to develop your own opinions on things and to challenge theirs.

I know a lot of people have been wondering about my employment status. I got called today by the movie theater I applied to and they want me to come in and fill out my legal paperwork tomorrow. The owner of a local coffeehouse, The Drowsy Poet, owned by a Jamaican that goes by Smiley who sells awesome coffee and Jamaican food, that I have decided I really like asked me to fill out a paper with my hours of availability and phone number, but I'm not sure that I would want to work there because then it would lose its specialness to me. I'm not sure when I'll be starting at the theater, but it should be soon.

I also went back home the weekend of September 12th/13th to help out with an event called Code:Honor that my church hosted to honor first responders and servicemen/women (firefighters, policemen, etc.). I ended up sharing my testimony with probably around 30 teens in the auditorium for the youth portion of the event, and was also involved with a short drama that we did to the song Savin' Me by Nickelback. Not my favorite, but oh well, life continues.

This past weekend, our hall went out with our brother dorm for dessert and then we came back and played the game Battle of the Sexes, which was pretty hilarious. I also found out that I guess I'm pretty good at the games Catcphrase and Mad Gab. Saturday, my roommate Jen and I wandered around downtown Lynchburg in search of the local market, which we found to be closed and failed at finding the riverfront. We did find a lot of shady alleys and abandoned buildings. My other roommate Hayley was out with her sister most of the day. That night, Jen and I went to see the Liberty men's hockey team play an awesome game against Davenport which we won 7-3. Sunday, one of my best friends from Fairfax that now goes to school in Roanoke came to visit and Jen, Hayley, and I gave her a tour of the campus and went to The Drowsy Poet for lunch. It was a good day.

Today my soccer team had a game at 5pm, but neither team had enough people, so we didn't play, but we still won because we had 6 players to their 1. Our next game is Wednesday at 10pm, and then Thursday at 7pm. This coming weekend, I plan to go back home and go to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. It should be pretty fun. I also plan to hang out with my friend Michelle K that I miss very much after spending pretty much all summer with her. :-(

For right now, I'm going to keep applying for scholarships, study some, and keep listening to Weird Al. :-)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

weekend randomness

Well I went home this weekend but was occupied pretty much the entire time except when I was sleeping. We had drama practice on Saturday, which I was almost late for because I slept in for once, then today was the Mountain View baptism service. Basically, everyone getting baptized goes up in front of everyone and tells a little about themselves and why they are getting baptized, we eat a lot of good food, and then we go down to the lake for everyone to get dunked. After that, we all hang out at the lake and do stuff for the rest of the day. You can swim, go out in a paddle boat or canoe, swim out to the giant water trampoline, or go fishing, which is probably what I would have done if I had stayed after the baptisms. Catch and release of course. ;-) Yes I know, traumatize the poor fish...Anyway...Also went to see a friend and her three day old baby, who was very adorable.

Apparently I missed out on a heck of a 5 minute mashed potato war between dorms. They say our team had the most people and mashed potatos. That makes me happy, even though I would have liked to be there for it, but ended up not getting back in time.

-only two classes, plus some online review for psychology, which is technically considered a hybrid online/lecture class, meaning Mondays I do stuff on the computer, Wednesdays and Fridays I actually go to class. On Friday we went over the central nervous system. The prof asked if anyone knew how Christopher Reeves got injured was impressed that I knew he had a horse riding accident in Culpeper, lol.

-I am going to call the movie theater I applied to to see if they decided to hire me or not, and if not keep looking for places to apply.

-My hall's intramural soccer team is having their first pre-season soccer game tomorrow. I hope we do well, but I personally haven't played in at least 3 years, so that should be fun and fun to watch.

This week I am going to try to establish some type of regular sleep schedule. I barely have any school work so far and for some reason I'm still not able to fall asleep before 2 or 3 in the morning. Once I do fall asleep, I tend to wake up at least twice in the middle of the night. Wish me luck with that, I know I'll need it, haha.

Speaking of which, it's getting late so I should try to sleep now.

Thanks for reading all of this rambling.

Love you all!