The new semester is currently in its third week, and we're also about to get our third snow for the winter. Just to give you an idea, to the right is a picture of my car parked outside the dorm. I parked it there Friday night and was finally able to get it out last night, which was Monday. It's amazing how hard it is to find a snow shovel on a college campus. On the plus side, some friends and i went sledding this past weekend, which was the first time I have ever been sledding in my life. It was awesome. There's some pictures on Facebook, and I'm sure a few videos, one including the best wipe-out I've seen in a while, courtesy of yours truly.
As for classes, so far so good. I'm not big on the massive amounts of math homework almost every night, but I guess you have to do what you have to do. Classes I'm taking: art appreciation, contemporary issues 2 (aka GNED, which is how I usually will refer to it), college algebra, developmental psychology, and zoology. This is a mixture of classes that will help me move forward with my degree whether I decide to stay with my biology major or switch to psychology, which I will most likely be doing this semester. Classes are decent. So far I have learned about fertilization and the beginning stages of life in 3 of my classes. Yay....One was zoology, because well most animals start out that way, one was developmental psych, because obviously those are the beginning stages of development, and the third was GNED because we're currently discussing abortion and at what point a cell, or zygote, or whatever become a person. It's pretty interesting, but I could've handled learning it once and that would have been alright. My main issue so far has been falling asleep at a reasonable time, but that is slowly getting better.
Regarding work, I really need to find a new job. My theater job has been giving me one day of work per week or less, and I have been given an automatic third write-up because I missed work on Tuesday, after they told me to call them on Wednesday to get my schedule. I'm pretty sick of this happening, since this is now the fourth time I've missed work for similar reasons.
Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. Love you all and hope to hear from you! Also, for those who were asking, my address is the same as it was last semester. If you want the address, either message me on Facebook or e-mail me.
Thanks for reading!