Monday, April 19, 2010

Finals coming up...

It's crazy to think this semester is over. It feels like fall finals weren't so long ago, and here we are about 3 weeks before spring finals. I'm not gonna lie though, I'll be glad when summer break is here.

Speaking of spring, spring has been beautiful on campus so far, save for the dead-fish smell of the Bradford Pear trees all over campus. The picture above is the school's courtyard from when the trees were still blooming. The weather has been amazing almost every day and the flowers everywhere have been a nice change from the deadness of winter.
In other news, I am still jobless, but I think that may be for the better at this point in time. There's less than a month left until I'll be home, and over the course of that month I'll need to be focusing on schoolwork and studying for finals. It should be relatively easy to find a job once I'm back home.
I feel like I had a lot more to say, but I can't really remember right now. If I do, I'll update again. For now, thanks for reading.
R. Forseth

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