Saturday, August 29, 2009

First full weekend here

Well, I'm pretty sure I said I was going to post pictures of the campus sometime, but honestly I haven't taken any yet, but I will, lol. Most likely tomorrow. Famous last words of a procrastinator, but oh well.

This week has been alright. We've already had our second torrential downpour. We're talking five minutes of rain and standing water. It seems to be a Saturday thing, and only when I'm in the Target parking lot. Classes are still decent I guess. We had a power outage in the main campus building where I have chemistry, and for whatever reason the prof decided to go ahead and have class despite the lights being out, the air conditioning not working, and no microphone or screens or projector. So our class of however many hundred students crammed in the first few rows of seats and the rest sat up front on the floor so we could see the little whiteboard she was using. Nevermind that even when yelling her voice probably has the volume of an average person speaking. Situations like that make you really appreciate technology.

Positive events of the week:

Wednesday I went to campus church for the first time. It was pretty interesting I guess. I didn't know any songs that the band played, but whatever I guess it's okay. They have an electric violinist, so that might make up for it. The pastor is preaching a series he came up with about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so that's pretty sweet. He calls it "Holy Hand Grenades". I'll be honest, I was doing more thinking than listening, so I really don't remember what he was talking about, but I know it was interesting. He's a Muslim convert, and he wore a shirt during church that said Infidel in both English and Arabic. He definitely has an interesting sense of humor. Tomorrow I guess is the second time I will have been there, but I don't know if it's going to be the same thing as Wednesday night church or not.

Today was a pretty eventful day. One of my roommates and i went to a local coffee shop called The Drowsy Poet. When I first heard of this place I thought it would be like one of those places with an open mic and poetry readings by people that write nothing but bland, lifeless, depressing poems, but it's nothing like that. It's owned by a Jamaican guy that goes by Smiley. The signature of theirs is the Milton Milkshake. I have no idea what all is in it since it's a secret recipe, but it's amazing. I know it's got vanilla ice cream, coffee, and cinnamon and a few others things. Apparently you haven't really been to Lynchburg until you've had one, so I guess I've officially been to Lynchburg now, lol. This place also has bands that play on Friday nights so I'll probably be back often.

Today was also the grand opening of what they call Snowflex. It's a year-round ski-slope made of an artificial surface called snowflex, hence the name. Supposedly this is the only Snowflex slope in the western hemisphere. The grand opening involved a stuntman with a snowboard jumping from a helicopter, skydiving to the mountain, and snowboarding down. I didn't go because I figured it would be packed and I probably wouldn't have been close enough to see anyway. If there are any videos on youtube or anything, I will post them if I find them. I'm still not really sure what the purpose for building this was, they say it's just another thing to do so that kids will make smart decisions about how to spend their free time. Who knows. I do know that somebody was rich enough to donate the money to build it. Must be nice to be able to give away that kind of money.

Tonight was the annual Liberty Block Party. I think the inflatables and all were kinda lame, like more than the Culpeper fair. A lot more. But there was free kettlecorn which I love, and there were two bands that were pretty cool I guess. I was right up front and center leaning on the stage. It was pouring rain, but it was okay, it was nicer than the heat. The leader singer of the main band spits a lot when he sang, so he spat on me a little, but I guess it makes me cool. Someone in the crowd had a bag of popcorn that they offered him ,and he took it and dumped it on us, and I didn't have any so I ate whatever fell in my mouth. I guess I'm also cool because he dumped popcorn in my mouth. The bands were I guess what you would call Christian alternative? Not like screamo or anything, I don't know, I honestly don't listen to a lot of Christian music, so I don't know how they classify genres. I know the main band was offered a chance to open for The Fray in NYC tonight but they chose to play at Liberty instead. I don't listen to the Fray either, but that might help you figure out what they sound like if you do listen to them. The first band was called Mike's Chair and the second/main band was called The Afters. Overall, I'd say I had a pretty good time even if the music wasn't really my normal scene.

Anyway, sorry this was so crazy long, I just realized how long it really was. Thanks for reading it all if you actually did, lol. Now I guess I should try to go to sleep since it's almost 3:30am...I really need to learn how to get to sleep before 2 or 3. I don't know why I haven't been able to, but oh well. I've been asked to ask our RA (Resident Assistant or Advisor, don't remember which) to tuck me in when she comes to make sure we're in our rooms as a joke. Maybe that will actually work, lol.

Alright, love and miss you guys! As usual, feel free to leave comments or call/text me if you have my number.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Good night!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drama and classes, etc.


Well today is my second day of classes and so far it seems like this year is going to be interesting. Not gonna like having chemistry first thing in the morning three days a week, but otherwise I think things are going to be pretty decent. So far the roommates and I are trying to kill each other. Sounds great, huh? So far I think the most interesting classes will be contemporary issues and psychology. I haven't been to psychology yet, but I like that kind of stuff so I think it will be decent. The professors so far are pretty chill too so that makes me happy.

By the way, just kidding about the roommate thing. We get along really well. We're pretty much connected at the hip. The other girls I've met on the hall are pretty cool too. I think we're planning to start our own intramural soccer team, which I am definitely excited about.

Also, I went back home this weekend for a drama with my church. Here's a link:

Alright, going to class, talk to you all later! Also, feel free to leave comments on any of my posts!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Moved In


Been busy the last few days with moving into my dorm, but all is well now. This week is pretty much freshman orientation week so we have 'freshman seminar" classes for 2 1/2 hours today and tomorrow, but we have it from 10-12:30, so we have the rest of the day free. Our dorm has been having meetings at night and playing games and stuff to get to know each other. We played sardines in the main building on campus last night, so that was pretty fun. Basically, for those that don't know, sardines is the opposite of hide-and-seek. We had groups, so one group would hide somewhere in the building, and then if our group found them, we would hide with them. The last group to find everyone hiding hides in the next round. Fun stuff. We're having a big cook-out at the stadium today, so that should be interesting. Overall, things are doing well so far. Met some cool people today and yesterday and everyone is pretty friendly so it makes it easy to get along. Everyone is playing nice so far. =D

Alright, well I'm going to go take a shower in the hall bathroom that all of us share...So that's pretty exciting, LOL. Talk to everyone later!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

So this is when it hits me....

So about an hour ago my dad came out to bring some furniture and things that I had at his house for me to take to college, and to pick up my dog Boomer because he's going to live with him while I'm at school. So I had to get my last bit of quality time with him before my dad came and I decided to take him for a walk down the country road out here by the house. I started to realize a lot of things. it's funny how going for a walk does that. So i decided to compile a list of things that i'm going to miss in my head:

-Culpeper-We all hate it, we will all miss it if we leave. Can't deny it. It just has something about it that even though there's jack crap to do here, it really isn't such a bad place to live. I think I enjoy it. By the way, we have the only movie theater and Wal-Mart for about a 30 mile radius.

-The country-Ok, so I like being in the middle of nowhere. The air smells better, the neighbors are friendlier (let's face it, animals are usually friendlier than people), the trees are bigger and fuller, there's enough space that nobody will come bother you, and the stars-the stars are just amazing. You don't have to try to see the Milky Way, it's just there, and that is amazing to me. There's so much more out there that you just can't see, even in town. I will miss the stars more than any other non-living thing about this place.

-My room-Privacy, and my own bathroom, and the ability to read, write, do art, or listen to music, without anybody else over my shoulder wondering about what I'm doing. (If my roommates ever read this, no offense, it's just nice to have space, lol.)

-the animals-We have 3 dogs, 5 cats, and a gerbil. One of the dogs (Boomer) and 2 of the cats (Hazel and Felix) are here because of me, as is the gerbil. Now the gerbil kinda minds her own business, but she is cute and I like her. The cats are so sweet. Hazel is probably the sweetest cat you will ever meet. She just loves everybody. The other cats all have their own personalities and are pretty awesome too. The dogs are all very loving and I will miss all of them, but I think I will miss Boomer the most. He's like my baby. He just left with my dad a few minutes ago and I've been a crying mess ever since then, even though I know he will be happy with my dad. It's sucks.

-My friends-There's been some pretty good times. Crazy times, but good times. We all have our inside jokes and whatnot, but I love you guys. I hope you know that!

-My family-We've been through a lot in the last few years, some good, some pretty nasty, but overall I guess it hasn't been too bad. I love you all so much! It's going to be hard to not be able ot be there while Skye grows up and I know I'll miss her a lot, so I want lots of updates, ok? Mom-try not to cry too much when you leave, I'll be back almost every weekend for the next 2 months. Plus, when you cry it makes me cry too, and I don't want to do that! I love you and I will be safe where I'm going, and I'll call, and you have this blog so you can keep updated on the details that i might leave out in conversation. I love you all, you mean the world to me!!



Saturday, August 15, 2009

Too many appointments...

So my schedule for today:

8:30- vet appointment-vaccines for my dog Boomer

9:45-chiropractor appointment-deep tissue massage for my thighs to work the knots out so I get better circulation in my legs

12-Appointment with my regular doctor to discuss supposedly routine bloodwork that for whatever reason could not be discussed over the phone. My guess is either I'll have to get my thyroid meds changed, or something else is wrong. I hope it's just the dosage, lol.

5ish-people over for going away party/cook-out for me before I go to college on Tuesday.

Somewhere in there I'm trying to get my dad to come to Culpeper so he can bring me the stuff I have at his house for me to take to college, and then Boomer will be going home with him.

Yesterday was fun. I got to hang out with my bestie Michelle K, and some of our friends that we met at the mall that Michelle has been hanging out with. They're the best. Proof: sometimes it's ok to talk to mall employees and their brothers. Not to mention Claire's employees get the uber cute best friend necklaces, so now me, Michelle, and our friend Gigi have BFF necklaces with elephants. Cute stuff.

Going to my 9:45 appointment now, take care!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I decided to start this blog mostly for my family and friends that will have a lot of questions for me as I begin college next week, so that when they ask me how school is, or how a trip was, or how life in general is, I have more to offer than just "Good." Anyone that's following this blog, I hope you find something of value in what I have to say, however lengthy it may get, and thanks for reading!

At this point in time, we have a guest in our house from a group from Brazil that is visiting to do a series of soccer clinics in our area. We are lucky enough to be hosting Mario, one of the main translators, so we don't have to try to learn Portuguese, which we failed at last time we hosted members of this group. It is his last night visiting before returning to Brazil, and we will miss him. It's always great having these guys here. They are so loving and entertaining and REALLY good at soccer, lol. We also enjoy listening to the music that they play at each camp. Even though we don't really understand the words, the songs are still fun and upbeat. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy our last chance to sit and sing in the living before Mario and the others have to leave to go back to Brazil tomorrow.

Good night!



P.S. In case you're wondering, I don't want to post my full name on this blog so that in the event I use it to report on mission trips to areas that would not like what I have to say, their respective governments can't just do a Google search on my name and find me or my team. Yes, I'm serious. No I'm not being paranoid, just safe.