Sunday, August 16, 2009

So this is when it hits me....

So about an hour ago my dad came out to bring some furniture and things that I had at his house for me to take to college, and to pick up my dog Boomer because he's going to live with him while I'm at school. So I had to get my last bit of quality time with him before my dad came and I decided to take him for a walk down the country road out here by the house. I started to realize a lot of things. it's funny how going for a walk does that. So i decided to compile a list of things that i'm going to miss in my head:

-Culpeper-We all hate it, we will all miss it if we leave. Can't deny it. It just has something about it that even though there's jack crap to do here, it really isn't such a bad place to live. I think I enjoy it. By the way, we have the only movie theater and Wal-Mart for about a 30 mile radius.

-The country-Ok, so I like being in the middle of nowhere. The air smells better, the neighbors are friendlier (let's face it, animals are usually friendlier than people), the trees are bigger and fuller, there's enough space that nobody will come bother you, and the stars-the stars are just amazing. You don't have to try to see the Milky Way, it's just there, and that is amazing to me. There's so much more out there that you just can't see, even in town. I will miss the stars more than any other non-living thing about this place.

-My room-Privacy, and my own bathroom, and the ability to read, write, do art, or listen to music, without anybody else over my shoulder wondering about what I'm doing. (If my roommates ever read this, no offense, it's just nice to have space, lol.)

-the animals-We have 3 dogs, 5 cats, and a gerbil. One of the dogs (Boomer) and 2 of the cats (Hazel and Felix) are here because of me, as is the gerbil. Now the gerbil kinda minds her own business, but she is cute and I like her. The cats are so sweet. Hazel is probably the sweetest cat you will ever meet. She just loves everybody. The other cats all have their own personalities and are pretty awesome too. The dogs are all very loving and I will miss all of them, but I think I will miss Boomer the most. He's like my baby. He just left with my dad a few minutes ago and I've been a crying mess ever since then, even though I know he will be happy with my dad. It's sucks.

-My friends-There's been some pretty good times. Crazy times, but good times. We all have our inside jokes and whatnot, but I love you guys. I hope you know that!

-My family-We've been through a lot in the last few years, some good, some pretty nasty, but overall I guess it hasn't been too bad. I love you all so much! It's going to be hard to not be able ot be there while Skye grows up and I know I'll miss her a lot, so I want lots of updates, ok? Mom-try not to cry too much when you leave, I'll be back almost every weekend for the next 2 months. Plus, when you cry it makes me cry too, and I don't want to do that! I love you and I will be safe where I'm going, and I'll call, and you have this blog so you can keep updated on the details that i might leave out in conversation. I love you all, you mean the world to me!!



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