Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drama and classes, etc.


Well today is my second day of classes and so far it seems like this year is going to be interesting. Not gonna like having chemistry first thing in the morning three days a week, but otherwise I think things are going to be pretty decent. So far the roommates and I are trying to kill each other. Sounds great, huh? So far I think the most interesting classes will be contemporary issues and psychology. I haven't been to psychology yet, but I like that kind of stuff so I think it will be decent. The professors so far are pretty chill too so that makes me happy.

By the way, just kidding about the roommate thing. We get along really well. We're pretty much connected at the hip. The other girls I've met on the hall are pretty cool too. I think we're planning to start our own intramural soccer team, which I am definitely excited about.

Also, I went back home this weekend for a drama with my church. Here's a link:

Alright, going to class, talk to you all later! Also, feel free to leave comments on any of my posts!



  1. Aww, miss you guys too! And everyone at home. School is chill and whatnot, but home is still pretty cool.
