Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I decided to start this blog mostly for my family and friends that will have a lot of questions for me as I begin college next week, so that when they ask me how school is, or how a trip was, or how life in general is, I have more to offer than just "Good." Anyone that's following this blog, I hope you find something of value in what I have to say, however lengthy it may get, and thanks for reading!

At this point in time, we have a guest in our house from a group from Brazil that is visiting to do a series of soccer clinics in our area. We are lucky enough to be hosting Mario, one of the main translators, so we don't have to try to learn Portuguese, which we failed at last time we hosted members of this group. It is his last night visiting before returning to Brazil, and we will miss him. It's always great having these guys here. They are so loving and entertaining and REALLY good at soccer, lol. We also enjoy listening to the music that they play at each camp. Even though we don't really understand the words, the songs are still fun and upbeat. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy our last chance to sit and sing in the living before Mario and the others have to leave to go back to Brazil tomorrow.

Good night!



P.S. In case you're wondering, I don't want to post my full name on this blog so that in the event I use it to report on mission trips to areas that would not like what I have to say, their respective governments can't just do a Google search on my name and find me or my team. Yes, I'm serious. No I'm not being paranoid, just safe.

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